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Deserialization of JSON input directly into C++ data structures is done with the help of Boost.Serialization. The input archive transforms the entire JSON input into C++ data structures all at once.

The full parser transforms the entire input into a data structure. This is done via an input archive (called iarchive.) You can either use a generic tree data structure, such as dynamic-cpp, as the Document Object Model, or you can parse the input directly into your own data structures or the standard containers in C++.

Simple types

#include <trial/protocol/buffer/string.hpp>
#include <trial/protocol/json/serialization.hpp>

std::string input = "true";
json::iarchive archive(input);

bool result;
archive >> result; // Read the boolean value
assert(result == true);

Custom types
STL types

#include <trial/protocol/buffer/string.hpp>
#include <trial/protocol/json/serialization.hpp>

std::string input = "[1,2,3]";
json::iarchive archive(input);

std::vector<int> result;
archive >> result; // Read the entire input into a vector
assert(result == {1,2,3});

Integration with reader
