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Adapter Traits

The encoded output can be written to other output buffer types. This is done by specifying a buffer adapter and a trait to select this buffer adapter for the output buffer type.

The buffer adapter must inherit from buffer::base and implement the following API:



bool grow(size_type)

Reserve space in the output buffer. Returns false if the requested space cannot be reserved, in which case no further data will be written to the output buffer.

void write(value_type)

Output a single character.

void write(const view_type&)

Output a sequence of characters.

Tutorial: Deque Adapter

Assume that we add support for std::deque. First the buffer wrapper for std::deque is written like this:

#include <deque>
#include <trial/protocol/buffer/base.hpp>

namespace my {

template <CharT>
class deque_wrapper : public buffer::base<CharT>
    using value_type = typename buffer::base<CharT>::value_type;
    using size_type = typename buffer::base<CharT>::size_type;
    using view_type = typename buffer::base<CharT>::view_type;

    deque_wrapper(std::deque<value_type>& buffer)
        : buffer(buffer)

    virtual bool grow(size_type delta)
        buffer.resize(buffer.size() + delta);

    virtual void write(value_type value)

    virtual void write(const view_type& view)
        buffer.insert(buffer.end(), view.begin(), view.end());

    std::deque<value_type>& buffer;

} // namespace my

Next we must make this wrapper known to the protocol generator, which is done as follows:

namespace trial { namespace protocol { namespace buffer {

template <typename T>
struct traits< std::deque<T> >
    using buffer_type = my::deque_wrapper<T>;


[Note] Note

The traits struct must be located inside the trial::protocol::buffer namespace.
